jane Cold-blooded old times
Cold-blooded old times
Cold-blooded old times

The type of memories
that turn your bones to glass
turn your bones to glass

mother came rushing in
she said we didn't see a thing
we said we didn't see a thing

and father left at eight
nearly splintering the gate
cold-blooded old times

Cold-blooded old times
Cold-blooded old times
Cold-blooded old times

the type of memories
that turn your bones
turn your bones to glass

and though you were
just a little squirrel
you understood every word

and in this way
they gave you clarity
a cold-blooded clarity

Cold-blooded old times
Cold-blooded old times
Cold-blooded old times

though how can I stand
and laugh with the man
who redefined your body?

how can I stand
and laugh with the man
who redefined your body?

those cold-blooded old times
cold-blooded old times
cold-blooded old times

misstree oh, how we used to laugh.
now i'm trying to scrub myself clean
even as i leer around for the next hunt.
what's it to you?
who go