User24 You arrive at castle station, looking around at the dump that is Northampton, your immediate reaction is to board the next train out, but beyond the graffiti, dirt and tramps, you sense a feeling that Northampton has more to offer 020611
User24 To get a bus into town, 24_0009 is the place to be. 020611
User24 To run across the road to the bus stop where a number 29 has just pulled up, go to 24_0013 020611
User24 To get onto a train to Euston go for 24_0018 020611
tourist But afore ye do Mate,
Can ye spare some copper Me Brother?
The only bite I've 'ad this Week
was from some mutt, and that one's
Still a bit sore.
John *throws tuppence to the tourist 020617
tourist "Thank Ye Kindly Mate!"
Tourist Bites the Coin, then Places it in a pocket of His well Worn Brown Leather Jacket.
"Seems like Ages since Anyone's been down this Way. Good Day to You Sir!"
what's it to you?
who go