amy travel and homefinding.

(some people really rock at dreaming.)

(blather.practicaldream.net doesn't have the same ring, which is unfortunate...)
silentbob She said, "Did you think that you were dreaming?"
I said no.
She said, "Did you think that you were dremaing?"
I said NO
she said, "Did you think that you were dreaming."
I said "sometimes i_don't_know."
two i long to sleep cradled in your love 040608
nom sigh 070103
birdmad i was molting my skin and my gender

my skin was breaking away and underneath the dead pieces, there was a small strange woman who was not me with crazy eyes clawing away the pieces in the mirror like breaking a clay mask
mcdougall The architecture of the space I was moving through was new, updated. It was an old building with dark low ceilings when I worked there, but now it was brighter and larger, with more glass, and it connected in ways I didn’t understand. I’d been hired back but wasn’t doing the same job.
Later on, the girl who was alway barefoot, who I wrote about years ago, was doing some strange presentation in a round room that looked more like a gazebo but it was part of a open breezeway or skyway, high up in the upper floors of this space. Nearby was an elevator that had never been there previously. The girl who was always barefoot was being interrupted, because someone needed a large amount of carpet samples scanned immediately. It was late and she wasn’t supposed to be working, and was upset about having to work late. I offered to do it all for her, as I had nowhere to go, and nothing else going on at that moment.
Before I came across the strange skyway I had been meeting with and traveling through the building with a couple of current customers, and my old boss, from when I worked in this building. He had a hand held cooler and we were all drinking the beer he had in the cooler as we walked through the space. We made our way up into a small stairwell that would have taken us to the roof in the past, but now it opened up into a large stadium that we found was filled for some event. We were up near the top, and I cannot recall ever seeing the field down below. We made our way through the crowd to find our seats, and in the process I started ordering a pair of my all time favorite running shoes from some staff member at the stadium. They had to call another location to try to get my size, but it didn’t pan out. There was a humorous moment when we learned from someone on the phone that the shoes had a terrible rating. They were rated 4 out of 16. We all laughed about this and continued talking until we all had to leave, which was very suddenly.
I made my way back to the old mailroom and found it beautifully updated, and not surprisingly redesigned to be something other than a mailroom. There was an elevator there also, and later I learned that this connected to the other one, up in the skyway space, but I never used any of the elevators.
While the girl who was always barefoot and I were walking back down into the space I ran into some people I knew, and since she was determined to do the work asked of her alone I stopped to talk with these people. They were important people, or resembled important people.
As I woke up, there was a nearly dreaming image or memory or thought of three people climbing on a rope ladder, having a conversation, two were young and one was adult, and I’m not sure if they were going up or down.
But I woke up.
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who go