whitechocolatewalrus i am bubbling
and threatening
to escape.
minnesota_chris I wish you would write a complete poem, so I could put all these metaphors together. Right now it seems like a code that I'm not privvy to. 031230
whitechocolatewalrus i'm sorry.
i wrote a complete poem,
walrus ahhh,
hope that is what you meant.
minnesota_chris don't be sorry. It's lots of images, but I never get the point. 040103
walrus i don't know if there is a point. 040103
minnesota_chris I think you're afraid to let us inside 040103
walrus maybe im afraid to let myself inside. 040103
whitechocolatewalrus i discovered that the person i hate the most is the one person who understands exactly what i am going through, the one person who thought of anything productive to fix it. 040105
whitechocolatewalrus why couldn't it be someone who i care about? i feel so guilty for hating someone who loves me. 040105
minnesota_chris so you understand that you need therapy? 040125
whitechocolatewalrus tell me why you think i need therapy, please. 040125
what's it to you?
who go