Blather Police birdmad has is now on trial for random obnoxious posting 101114
n o m e e blather_police_state 101114
birdmad i plead not guilty on account of i totally hate that sort of spam...

not to mention that my home connection has been nearly nonexistent for the last two years and i spent the weekend strapped to the toilet on account of a major bout of food poisoning from some questionable_sushi so the only shit i have been guilty of spewing lately is of the very literal variety

i rest my case, mothafucka!
harglaglarglar harglaglarglar harglaglarglarharglaglarglar harglaglarglarharglaglarglarharglaglarglar din_da_da_dun_doe_doe_din_da_da_dun_doe din_da_da dun_doe_doe din_da_da dun_doe 101116
harglaglarglar boo! can't get me.. 101116
birdmad please feel free at any time to gargle some jet fuel and stand in front of a lit barbecue grill 101117
Craig let us pray to the blather_gods. 101118
ever dumbening jio squishy, the harglargler, none of them bother you just be nice to them and say you're sorry. 101125
ever dumbening i also didn't author the previous post. 101223
what's it to you?
who go