sirflaccid There was a penny, on a book, on a table, in a room. Only two know its significance. Its placement imperative. Its existence cherished.

With this penny; a rock. Only two know its significance. Its placement imperative. Its existence cherished.

Somewhere, through the comings and goings, and the hustles and bustles of life, the penny was misplaced. Shall it ever again go back to the table? That has yet to be answered. For now, it sits here with me, alone. At times it shines. Its luster unparalleled. On days not so bright, it glares, like a stubborn and spoiled child.

However, the rock endures. A solid and unyielding artifact, it sits strong and with purpose. It is steadfast, waiting for a call to duty. Shall it ever serve again? That has yet to be answered. For now, it is stationary and ineffectual. It may seem dull and mundane, but its importance is undeniable. Unwavering, it will remain.
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