frAnk i think you should have "full" tattooed on your head because it is loaded with fascinating ideas.

what are your inspirations?
birdmad sometimes a song
sometimes a memory
it's just random, here and there.

other days, though i can be terribly uninspired and getting through those days is a chore of the most tedious variety

those are the days when i lapse into bad jokes, when i'm just circling over the same old ground like a dog chasing its tail
birdmad oh, and before i forget, thank you for the kind words 010517
The bird may no longer be fat but is always hungry Tastes!

I have always been motivated by sensation and, arguably, my favorite among these is taste.

The right combination of flavors, texture and scent

The sweetness and pulpy grain of a watermelon, the astringent bite of an obscure orange liqueur...

The harmony of tangy, acidic tomato onion, garlic, spices and other vegetables against the earthiness of red beans and wild rice
what's it to you?
who go