yummychuckle don't go forever.

I get so emotional at night.

this may be why I'm letting my past catch up with me, and I'm tearing through my old journals to find some proof, of I dont know what, but something...there is something I need to find that I left behind.

I think about it every day, I think about it constantly, I can't take it.

So I went through my old things,

I just want to die for my past, but I already have.

And I'm not free.
blown cherry I'll pretend to be brave,
but the minute you leave
the curtain drops
and I am draped in the darkness again.
unter das fussen des Konungen off and be him, why am i trying to be anything 021118
p2 just tell me
so i can close my eyes
and pretend it's not happening
what's it to you?
who go