squint thats like help me, blather! not help me blather. yeah so heres the deal.

every female blatherer that is 21 please tell and if you know a female blatherer that is 21 please tell me. especially if they are all ooh squint is yum, cus who the HELL is this frayed person?

if you dont know what im talkin about, dont worry. I'm just requesting a list of female blatherskites that are 21. and i would be endlessly

nocturnal just a question for clarification purposes: do you mean 21 and up or exactly 21 years of age? 020917
da 22 year old spider she means exactly 21. 020917
freakizh i think i'm not.

would you like a freakizh with that?
daxle well, I'm 21 and female, but definitely confused as to what you're talking about so I think I'll take your advice and not worry about it 020917
Photophobe I'm 21 and sort of girly.

But I'm a bloke and a blake.
three words help_me_blather
putting_reality_into_scattered_mind dumbshit
what's it to you?
who go