no reason i'm gonna get 'em i'm gonna get 'em 050103
pobody should you eat the old pair, or just throw them away? o.0 050103
no reason not sure, if you ate ears would you be able to hear out of your stomach? 050104
monee elephant ears? 050104
pobodys nerfect *scratches chin in thought* hmm,you make a good point about the stomach thing,no reason. Tell ya what,you eat your ears and let us know how that works out! =D

monee--imagine the hearing those things would produce! And people who love piercings sure would have a field day filling up all the space on them. =)
no reason yeah man
another one
is what i mean
nr yet another, a whole 13 (!) years later. 190101
f does anyone know where my other father is by any chance? 190101
unhinged another one...

is incredulous
what's it to you?
who go