Kami Khazay blurg! 000724
Kami Khazay i did it again, it felt funny this time, red ran from my mouth, bright red, grenadine is not your friend 000921
Miner OH MY GAAAAWWWWWWWDDDDD this is too much for my poor addled brain, it could be other things like the time of morning (1:17am) or something like drink, but this hurts my head. 010609
nocturnal I luv getting fit shaced. kinda did it last night, but I've done better. 010609
Casey I once knew this girl, Carmella Vahn, they called her the Ravishing Roman Rooster. She gave me the best fit shace I ever had. I gave her the best 60 dollars I ever had.

(Not really, I tend to be a compulsive lier, like that girl in breakfast culb)
kerry haha 011220
what's it to you?
who go