paranoid martyr hey. i'm here.
anybody missing me? please?

ever_dumbening? birdmad? bobby? freak-lilac? no reason god spiders from mars?

how's blather doing these days? a whole year has gone away..
methinx Here, have some tea. 050106
bird hey there.

and yes indeed. we meeeeeessed you.

blather just isn't totally blather without some kind of regular doses of paranoid martyrdom from the freakizh one
paranoid martyr i love you bird. thanks.

i just remembered i missed daffy and phil too.

boo hoo.

i wish i had time to blather.
hiperkarma i think i'm back.
now blathering under the name of hiperkarma. that's me, yes, yessir, yup.
bird yay! 060213
*Amy* yeah...I`m not that sure is all of you really exists or if it is just a game the computer palys me 060213
hiperkarma there's no difference.. 060223
what's it to you?
who go