silentbob evil things that harass everything.
they live in the woods, in attics, and under bridges. they are dirty and smelly and turn to stone in the sunlight
CheapVodka they ate gnomes in the show David The Gnome but I do believe I'm the only person that remembers that show...

he road around on a fox and everyone in the gnome village would wear pointy hats and funny clothes and they were all fat. And there were those trolls 2 guy trolls and 1 girl and I think occasionally there was a little kid troll and they ate the gnomes and lived in caves and they would turn to stone if they were caught in the light. They always made this weird soup and ate it.

But I'm prolly the only one that remembers that show...
BoogieTroll Trolls kick ass, i should kno, i am one!!! 031122
... U_guys_rock 031122
BoogieTroll Hey i represent that remark!
(I'm a troll DUH!)
black hunter Trolls need to be strung up and beaten like naughty schoolgirls. 060804
hsg DNFTT 100420
silentbob a fascinating species 140326
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