gja Not much do I know about you.

Here is what I know:
You sing worse than most.
You can’t dance - well you can - just not well - much like me I suppose - like you hope that no body is watching.
But you make me feel good.
Yours was a moment in time I can’t move on from. And I should. No actually I shouldn’t.

Other things I sort of know:
A crazy guitar loving fundamentalist Christian draftsmen who I recall with good will and love, DE, introduced you to me, and me to you.
The capital letter back there was for you Dave.

Things I cannot be sure of:
My life would not be the same without having heard the songs you sing.

Peace and love and thank you for everything.


A cheeky post scriptum if I may: Did you shag Sinead?
ian yep.... 080404
what's it to you?
who go