starjewel I don’t want to write about the beach;
I pretend not to see it’s blinding silver ebbing,
Ever flowing, crashing, splashing,
As I’m laughing.
I don’t want to write about the beach.
I don’t want to write about the beach,
Or the scratching, itchy, clinging sand,
As I stand there
With your hand in my hand.
I don’t want to write about the beach.

I don’t want to write about the beach,
And that glittering, glistening, gliding,
Vermillion sphere sinking into a sheet
Of liquid metal, a shinning mirror
In which your face appears.
I don’t want to write about the beach.

I don’t want to write about the beach,
It’s such a helpless trap
For hopeless romantics,
Tearing their hearts to pieces
When the water flows in
Catching, snatching, and drowning
Their undying love
Beneath the subconscious of reality,
And that is why
I don’t want to write about the beach.
r_r . 100421
cookie monster and i_don't_want_to_live_on_the_moon 100422
fghio fghio 101114
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 110228
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