stork daddy he said caustically when she told him how the salesperson had been grumpy, "well come on, he's thirty and he works at mervyn's folding clothes" to which she replied, "well it could be a choice he made, he could have left a career as a neurosurgeon for something which provided him with more solace." and she was so right. he was so used to remouthing the normal opinion for the benefit of everyone else that it seemed he had started to believe it himself. or was he just thinking that he had to hold that opinion to gain people's trust and was surprised to be reminded that he was not the only one who suspected some assumption that few ever questioned operating behind the straightforward path everyone in america is supposed to be on. 031201
back to sleep cool.

i had to re-read that last sentence a couple of times.
what's it to you?
who go