karl the weed i know that youre all real people, part of my mind thinks that blather is a little village living inside my computer and all the little people write things, and when i go away, they just sit there and keep writing. lol, it would be weird to meet a skite. the same way it would be weird to meet a character in a book. 040101
u24 good comparison. 040102
magicforest I am astonished at this very idea. 040102
karl but part of my mind* 040102
whitechocolatewalrus a "but" wasn't necessary really, but im glad that you added it.

i almost wish they weren't people.
oh well.
i like that they are people, though, it makes everything seem more real.
minnesota_chris I told endless_desire that I wasn't a person, just a set of light blue words 040103
magicforest you are an exception, chris, I think you really ARE just a set of light blue words

notme i'm_an_alien 040103
blah-ze da da dada da... skites are people too... 040103
zeke hey! is this a Turing test? 040104
meta meta 051213
what's it to you?
who go