redtree curious to what things are falling into place for you...(lucky) 070923
tessa I'm moving overseas soon. It's terrifying if I think about it - moving away from family and friends, support systems, familiar streets and weather and food.

I've been starting to worry about finding work there, my industry being quite small and specialised.

(I don't like to count my chickens, but...) now the perfect job seems to be falling into my lap.

I've had my share of bad luck too, I guess.

But occasionally good things happen. Something I'm worried or unsure about will just be solved. I'll get a bonus from work. The uni course handbook will fall open at the perfect course I never knew existed. I'll make it into the highschool where all my friends are going.

It's wonderful when things just work.

Do you consider yourself lucky, redtree?
redtree i don't believe in luck...i think it's all about stepping stones, one after the other, finding solid footing along the way.

you seem smart and focused and i'm sure you are friendly and peaceful, so people are going to like you and want to help you. we all need each other.

where are you going?
tessa I guess I don't really believe in luck either. But it isn't entirely down to individual agency - I can't give myself all the credit or all the blame.

I think using the word luck helps to remind me to be grateful, and to receive what comes around with grace. Sometimes I need all the help I can get in that area.

Luck, karma, blessings - they all seem to be related somehow.

I usually mean well, but that is not all that counts, as I have found out recently. Your words and actions can trip you up, no matter how many wonderful people you surround yourself with or how hard to try. The sad reality is that you don't have to be trying to hurt people to do damage, it can happen without your consent.

I'm moving to London.

Have you ever uprooted your life?
redtree yes. it's interesting that you phrased it as though my life were a tree. in 1989, i was living with my wife in southern california. we had been married for nine years and had three small girls. we decided to leave and return to our homeland in pennsylvania.

so, we uprooted the family tree, first pruning all the branches and then wrapping the tender root ball in burlap, watering it for the trip across the world.

all of those actions that constituted the transplant were vital for our survival. yes, we made it. we are growing in a new land and producing much fruit.
tessa was any fertiliser used on transplantation? 070927
redtree compost...(connections to the past, friendships, experience, knowledge, understanding, faith, prayers...) 070928
redTree what are you living for?
what would you die for?
what would you kill for?
. . 080515
tessa I am living to see what happens next.

I am living in the hope that my faith in beauty and love pays off.

I'm living because it seems worth it.
redTree what are the top five events of your life this year? 081209
tessa Top 5 Events this Year

Walking down the street holding hands with A, laughing

Becoming closer friends with M (which happened in Florence, incidentally)

Getting a hug from mum, at the airport, after 8 months away

Being granted the grace to say goodbye to my wonderful grandmother

--- and I'll leave the last space free for one yet to come ---
rt explain your faith in love and beauty... 090506
tessa you can't explain faith redtree, that's the point of it! 101225
what's it to you?
who go