epitome of incomprehensibility My old crush on a person from the place turns into romanticizing the place.

Sadly romanticizing? As a place of failed dreams for soccer (football) stardom for Jurgen. That's in the story where Jurgen is Jurgen but another Jurgen and, okay, actually Jürgen.

Pronounced YOOR-ghen, with the first syllable like /y/ or /oe/ in IPA (international phonetic alphabet) (for the sounds, think French "u" in "tu" or in "oeuf" if more rounded)

/j/ in IPA is the English consonant Y, reflecting most of the languages that use the J symbol.

Anyway, it's called "Long Distance" because Aviva and Jurgen are both in their high-school's long-distance running club. So, you see, they have a long-distance relationship.

I hope the Silly balances the Serious: Aviva is Carol's overly serious cousin; Carol is Aviva's overly clueless cousin; then there's their mutual friend Hippie (short for Hypatia) - an overachiever like Aviva but somewhat goofy/haphazard about it.

Shades of the teenage ghost of my real-life friend who was anne_girl here.

In the novel, Aviva and Carol's mutual grandmother is Tamra, whose mother moved from Austria to Canada in 1919.

Tamra's cousin and childhood best friend Miriam was an avant-garde Viennese music composer with a propensity for pranks. She's long dead when Carol comes on the scene, so she functions as kind of an imaginary friend for the kid (there ARE music composers in our family, GIRL composers at that, I can do this too...well, I was already going to, but still).

First piano lesson, grandmother-granddaughter bonding time.

Tamra: (tells Carol her cousin was a music composer from Austria)

Carol: Austria??? (slams hand on piano)

Tamra: (Why is she angry? Oh. Right. I wasn't planning to have that conversation...should not have mentioned Austria...)

Carol: A music composer FROM AUSTRIA! That's so cool! Did she meet Mozart?

Tamra: Uh, she was born in 1923. Mozart died in 1791.

Then she teaches Carol how to write a twelve-tone row like Arthur Schoenberg (who was greatly influenced by Mozart because Austria, say yet_more_things_learned_from_dreams.
e_o_i /oe/ vs /y/ - more open, not more rounded, right?

I can't with the IPA for vowels.
e_o_i German could relate to Austria, so You_Have_A_Dictionary.

Everything Is In Capitals.
e_o_i Third "Aufsatz" (writing composition) for German class. Topic: an imaginary luxury hotel.

I place it in Salzburg, Austria.

I find I don't have enough grammar to joke about the "My Favourite Things" song from The Sound of Music, which makes me stuck.

But this is ridiculous.

And I am trying to hack ADHD by staying up all night TWO days before it's due instead of the day before.

Okay, I don't want to stay up ALL night. So I have to focus and turn off the music. Turn off the music? Eat something. I don't know.

It's not like I didn't start to think about this before. I started the writing itself yesterday, well, last night, and it took a long time to do two paragraphs.

Look, I can do this. I just have to tell myself ICH HABE ZU VIELE HAUSAUFGABE GEGESSEN.
e_o_i 2/3 done. Got 2.5 hours sleep. 210330
e_o_i One of the things suggested for the composition was naming a famous guest who stayed at your hotel.

Were my nears & dears any help? Well...

David: Josef Fritzl! Say you built secret basement rooms, just for him.

E_o_i: ...


Y (the brother): Major Strasser.

E_o_i: Hm? Is that someone from The Sound of Music?

Y: *laughs*

E_o_i: All right, who?

Y: The very mean Nazi official in Casablanca.

E_o_i: Not in A Sound of Music?

Y: No, that guy's name was Zeller.

E_o_i: Ah, I thought it was Kellner. Kellner means waiter...

[ADHD blatheration excised]

Anyway, no fictional Nazis! No child abusers! And I've already decided on Falco, who sang "Rock Me Amadeus"!

[attempts to describe song and music video to Y, who sniffs snobbily]
e_o_i free range The Sound of Music.
A Sound of Music.
Article Sound of Music.
Newspaper Son de Musik.
Facebook Sohn Deutschland Musk.
Book Sonne Rammstein Elon.
Buch feminine Kraftwerk Mitsubishi.
Butch femme computer electric.
99 electric balloons cannot divide by zero, comma splice, I need to tutor soon.
epitome of incomprehensibility All right, it's 4 AM and the goshdarn thing is finished!!! Trying to get my mind to even focus on it was a struggle.

But it's done! The due date is 10 this morning but I submitted it on the website a couple of minutes ago. So what if the prof says snarky things about me handing in things in the middle of the night?

(I mean lecture-like things about being last-minutey. Because she is the type. She understands the ADHD part, because she marked my other two assignments even though they were late - well, she claimed she marked the 2nd one, but I don't see it on the course site yet - anyway - but it would be a bad move to be late for this one after she clarified the exact deadline ahead of time and gave us so much notice.)

Anyway, yes, I'll be tired for my people-pay-me-for-stuff sort of work, never mind the 10:15 AM class tomorrow, but I MADE MY MIND SORT OF WORK AND GET A THING DONE. Yay?
what's it to you?
who go