reviuquier The 2000 Pultizer Prize for Poetry was awarded 10 April to C. K. Williams for his book "Repair: Poems". This is Williams' eighth book of poems. In it he continues to develop the possibilities of the long line for which he is so well known, but he includes some short lines as well, recalling his earlier work. The poems in "Repair" often probe consciousness - both in the psychological sense and in the sense that suggests awareness of what's around, an awareness for which Williams has received copious praise.

Williams lives in Paris and New York. He teaches creative writing at Princeton University. In 1999 he lived in Berlin as the recipient of the Berlin Prize, which provides for a year's residency in that city.
susan Congratulations on your recent win :)

how does one go about winning
this prize ?
susan what's it to me ?
i'm curious...
i'm sure it means something to you
god he took a dog-doo snow cone and stuffed it in my other eye 020413
what's it to you?
who go