shiva arrrrr! drop yer nets and follow meee! i'll have yer souls! 011227
sabbie well bless my tallest mast and hose out the cabin boy. pirate_jesus! sighn me op lads 011227
Teenage Jesus Argh! Yer chasin' away me money boy! Shiver me timbers! Which one of you scurvey lads stole me eye patch?!? Argh! You see this hook boy? And the peg-leg? That's real wood sonny, and it's gonna hurt plenty when I plant it where you appear to be askin' for it.

Swab the deck! The lot of you; what? It's been swabbed? Well swab it again, or fish food, you'll surely be! Argh!!
ClairE ::shakes head sadly::

You can't compete with the pirate_allure, dude.
Teenage Jesus Argh! 011228
reitoei walk the plank, the fishes are hungry.

fish my prescious
. . 031006
JD Argh, indeed me lads! I'm the son o' the God above I am, 'tis the bloody Pirate Jesus they calls me. Follow me to the booty o' the seas, or I'll be swabbing the decks wit' yer everlastin' souls! It's water ta' grog and all that blaggart for me mates! 031006
three words pirate_jesus cried wishing_fishes 061020
what's it to you?
who go