Doar In the face of your confusion,
I submit that it isn't mine any longer, for once it is set down in writing, it transforms into a free for all.

The endings are not defined.
Strideo And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Is this my poetry?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!
And you may tell yourself
My god!...what have I done?

Strideo Should've been "This is not my beautiful blathe!"
Doar This is not my poetry any longer,
this is not my potencey any faster.

I transfer my head upon a chopping block for all of you. Cut quick and make it done.

This is my words
my contenance
before you all.

but espacially for the one
woman who completes me.

what's it to you?
who go