starjewel I've never known
What makes my skies so blue
My days so filled with sunshine
My eyes glow with that lighter hue
I've never really known anything
Not until I met you

I've never known
A touch that could be so healing
An embrace that erases all pain
A warmth that warms a world so chilling
I've never really known anything
Not until that feeling

I've never known
That my heart could break
That it could cut so deep
That it could inhibit every breath I take
I've never really known anything
Not until I thought you were fake.

I've never known
How my life was so wrong
How my world is so easily shattered
How your the one that makes me strong
I've never really known anything
Until you were gone
whitechocolatewalrus [i've never known
how to make you smile]
Death of a Rose but you could have asked. 040208
what's it to you?
who go