beorn I love Emily, she is so cool, she never stops smiling. 030512
nomatter i get that ALL the time. 030920
silentbob she's really pretty 030921
Glory Box she gets excited when i walk through the door. 031014
stork daddy yeah i love her too. unfortunately it's just an agressive impulse and i really want to destroy her and frankly all of you and me too. if you need me, i'll be in the river with emily. like romeo and juliet only not romantic. 031014
Casey She checked me out at Hy-Vee. When I say checked out I mean my groceries, not my body. 040218
emily aw!!!!!
now i feel all warm and fuzzy inside.....

even though complete strangers are complimenting me..... people who live in america none the less...when i've never been out of australia
what's it to you?
who go