mangrove i don't know what to say, because i can't think of words to fit. it would be easier if i could talk with just my mind right to yours.

do you understand?

it's the best i can do to communicate right now.
god potato chips 040926
mangrove no, not those. 040927
mangrove and make up your mind. do you want potato chips or pepsi? or both? 040927
god i will drink a pepsi if someone will bring one to me. the potato chips are just something i'm thinking about. i want other people to think about this too, hence me typing "potato chips" under this heading. i don't know why i think that's important, but it will all become clear much later. 040927
magicforest thanks mangrove 040927
mangrove you're welcome. 040927
magicforest help
no don't help
there's nothing you can do
what's it to you?
who go