yma he's a good guy...

good advice, always.
very thoughtful, more thoughtful than 95% of the people at my small-town, not-even-cool-enough-to-have-any-punks high school. so he surprises me a lot.
loves music a lot. so do i.
funny, in that sarcastic way.
funny with words.
has some thing about chasing_amy.
learns from girls (and *desires* them, too)
pretty mushy. yeah.
his lamentations seem somewhat trivial from my perspective, but i don't hold that against him. he's young. of course, i don't know how to console him, either.
generally tries to keep the peace around here, which i admire. very fair.
silentbob i can't believe it
it sounds just like me
what's it to you?
who go