silentbob the only communication i have with her and it dies
icq_converstaions and this icq_conversation and it has to die on me
it was about pants and my weird legs and how id rather not have these tan hairy barks leering at the world. but pants get hot
C and rawhide ;)
flowerock I have an awkward shin. I have "SIBO" which basically just means that my gut is out of balance and my body is over sensitives to sugars and some foods... it causes itchy skin that looks a little like a rash on just my left shin... it's a little embarassing but I'm getting over that, and noticing that I'm not the only one with weird and visible skin issues. so it goes. life is too short to care about image, health and happiness are more imortant. 140908
what's it to you?
who go