1.28pm you said so shyly (as always), "i'm not sure i can do this right"

but then you began
and of course
you knew exactly
my way
of folding

seems so trivial, i know. but somehow it holds a fuckload of significance
What time zone? oh, any way i can be of service. 020803
4.33pm oh honey, you just don't understand

it wasn't the fact that you were helping
it was the fact that you did it my way
and oh - eastern standard 020803
IKC 56-80 "temple_of_dreams"

Did i dream you dreamed about me?

-and now ladies and gentlemen, without further ado-- It's time to start RUNNING!

who loves you?
and who do you love?
hey now! i cant say what you were doing in my dreams..

oy! it makes me blush :)
what's it to you?
who go