sab in the hope that they would not come

i smeared myself with blood tonight
so that they might leave me alone

i smeared myself with blood tonight
so that i might be left

i smeared myself with blood tonight
for i have hope of the future

the angels will pass over
those that have killed
so i am off into the night
to purchase my way into the safety of the club
i hear the noise
of wings rustling outside my window
and i curl up tighter under my bed
as the blood slowly dries
and tightens on my skin

as it dries
it cracks and hardens
and i stay as still as i can
so as not to cause it to flake off

the blood is all i have
to protect me from the hungry seeking ones

i curl up tighter still
and close my eyes

hardly daring to breathe
as the blood dries

and i hope like hell
that dried blood counts

but i dont pray
just in case
what's it to you?
who go