becclebee *arrrh* 011226
sabbie arrrh, i be needen me rom.

roge? roger! drat me timbers and call me susan. where is that damn cabin boy?
ClairE sabbie's field 011226
sabbie i talk in pirate_speak rather more often than i realised. confuses the hell outta the customers but keeps me amused.

arhh, it do n all
god jesus! i gotta hear that! 011226
oren Aye, matey! Shiver me timbers! 011226
becclebee giggles arrh, the pirate be back
and what be the problem with that
i be asking
i, i be usin' the word be alot arrrh
and arrh i think i be having too much punctuation for a pirate, arrh
sabbie arr, dat be true.

and ye spellin's way too good.

back t'pirate school
fer you

pipedream "and just where do you think YOU are going, mist-ah smee!?"

yo ho ho and a bottle 'o rum
minnesota_chris I was wandering around the apartment this morning, still in my undies, saying "Arrrh... it do 'n' all!" 030401
/anon [enter] Yar, I'm... unattractive 030401
cherry_cherub we all are, and that is why we're the specialpriates and everyone else is our lame-o neighbors 040710
what's it to you?
who go