halo so he says that he found Lost_in_Translation similar in nature to Death in Venice. but he preferred the former. he could relate more, he says.
'what - washed-up movie star?'
'more a middle-aged man subject to immense temptation'. he does that twinkly smile that gets me every time.
what would have been an appropriate response? so I'm an 'adult' now, but he's my teacher, and a married man.
it is morally wrong.
it is morally wrong.
it is morally wrong.
but oh, tempatation is such a delicious word.
halo oh typical.
evidently it is a word so delicious that it requires an extra letter.
*temptation*. and again...yum
eggory lost in translation is a good movie. one of my favourites. something about a certain style of character study/romance is great. 060703
misstree so close gravity could pull us together
but as much as beast bucks and begs,
we are both gods as well,
and show grinning grimacing restraint.

i won't have you on improper terms.
eff i tried a sax once .. its so cool.
i felt like Lisa from the simpsons !
what's it to you?
who go