firehunden my choice of careers was not well planned. i have been trained by the goverment to kill and destroy.
it does not relate well into the civilian sector.
i take what i do, including my job, seriously.
i work hard at everything that i do.
i take pride in my work.
i am pushed, for my results, to work harder and perform better.
i have been successful so far.
i am running out of room to be pushed.
i will either go too far or i will break something.
it is not an option for me.
i must perform.
it's what i do.
i must try.
i will try.
i will go too far.
but will i break to protect others
or will i just hyper extend
florescent light All of blather will sleep better tonight knowing that we have you as our protecter. 010304
tatianna that is scary 040307
what's it to you?
who go