() ( does anyone know? ) 061201
nom in red yes in blue i don't know 061201
Questions questions. I think there were several in 1998 or 1999...? Does Anne-Girl's blatherchart reveal any hints? Was there another reason for the lack of blathes in those years, i.e. server shutdowns? Do I look nice in these pants? Tennis, anyone? 061201
wen ti is a frog's ass water tight? 061201
u24 I'm sure there were a few in the early_days.
also during the blather_crash (es), but I can't remember dates.
pSyche the date 981202 was one 061202
pSyche looks like december of 98 was a slow month.

stardate 981206, 981209 ,981213 ,981214 ,981216 ,981217 ,981219 ,981222 ,981223, 981226, 981227, 981228, & 981229
are a few more.

blah. I should have something better to do than this...
meta meta 061202
() ( thank you all ) 061206
what's it to you?
who go