calliope a white picket fence
my husband and
2 kids
a boy and a girl, of course
i like that
easy conversations that flow with the breeze
pictures of pink flowers in the bathroom
plush fluffy thick white ones
it's comforting to think of this
my backup plan
my easy way out
MollyCule every night, i drive home. vienna avenue to lantern lane to pepperwood drive, and i think, oh, suburban hell, it's you again, i'd forgotten where i lived. 000519
celestias shadow i wonder what the ratio of urban to suburban suicide is? 040102
sick and disgustingly bad joke let's find out!

a place to plan, discuss, and carry out the end of your life!
deary dear. fucking hell.. i thought i was joking at least. 040102
endless desire if_only_if_Only 040103
what's it to you?
who go