typhoid "These results suggest that the inhibition of MAO activities by local anesthetics depends on both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions between these drugs and enzyme_associated phospholipids or the hydrophobic regions of proteins."
typhoid "GH3 has been shown to be a more potent inhibitor of MAO, than procaine."
"On the other hand, hypertensive reactions have NOT been reported in patients treated with GH3; consequently there are NO RESTRICTIONS on the type of food that may be enjoyed while taking GH3"
jane so gh3 is made up of procaine and mao? and mao is mono-amine oxidase? okay...and gh3 is an anti-depressant / anti-aging drug, right? 030210
( ... ) gh3 is procaine in a substarte that is supposed to prevent it from being destroyed before it gets absorbed into the bloodstream. it's maoi effects are minimal if anything. it's a scam. i took a bunch, once, just to make sure. do your research, and don't believe the people who are trying to sell you something. 030216
what's it to you?
who go