the field acoustics of the common squillo garlic
a 400 watt amplifier
either finely minced peppers or pepper sauce to taste
pinch of salt
a power supply

crank up your bass levels and make sure your balance is properly adjusted

exercise some caution as it may liquefy the_bowels_of_the_unwary at up to 100 paces
squint we've had a bowl of guacamole for what might have been forever or maybe a week, because we have an endless supply of avacados or maybe its just a bottomless bowl and it keeps on going forever, in any case its been around for far too long for me to be comfortable eating. 020902
x my guacamole has a secret that no one shall be privy to 020902
kenobi Is this the kind of guacamole you get from phonographic_avocados? 020902
kenobi Geez, it's only the SECOND ingredient listed...
Don't mind me, I think I momentarily forgot how to read.
what's it to you?
who go