sab stuff changes in my head so fast
that i dont know what happened anymore
i thought i had it all straight
and now you tell me what it was
and i am reeling
reeling and dizzy
and sick to my stomach

as to what it really was.

stuf mutates so fast in my head
and i now question everything i ever thought i had
blown cherry but why must it be nauseating?
Why must uprooting and re-evaluation be so distressing to the digestive tract?

minus 3kg and counting
dandy if you figure out the answer to that one, let me know. I haven't slept well in weeks, how did someone else here put it? conscious/unconscious ratio is off?

I love the song, let it be, free as a birth, prayer of serenity, peace and meditation. great principles but sometumes seem as untouchable as Nirvana, the buddhist state of being, or the band for that matter.
what's it to you?
who go