Dosquatch SSC: acronym, "Short, Shameful Confession"

This is a term I've carried with me from my earliest days on the 'net. On one certain group in which I participated, it was the warning tag attached to any post that was short, pointless, completely off-topic, but still interesting to probably nobody else but the poster.

I miss this term.
Dosquatch SSC: I am highly entertained when the today/yesterday listings line up in interesting pairs, like
toe7 manifest
farmer kate
yesterday whispers
Marylin_Manson who_blathers_all_night
watching star_trek
film so_bad_they're_good_movies
bald I_just_thought_I_should_let_you_know
second lovers

It's like blather itself is speaking in a strange, metaphysical way.
dosquatch ... and, of course, I typed a couple of those wrong. sigh.
Marilyn_Manson who_blathers_at_night
bald I_just_thought_you_I_should_let_you_know
what's it to you?
who go