arin likes to spank jason! and he likes it! 010418
aeiou she sticks her tongue out when she firedances 010428
firefly My dog's name... 011229
oren Her lap_dances are the best. 011229
kerry i knew a girl named gigi in highschool and middle school. everyone thought she was a slut. well, maybe she was... she gave this guy i'd known since babyhood a blowjob in the middle of reading in 8th grade, the teacher didn't even notice. i really met her as a freshman in gym... she never dressed out. she wore pajama pants and slippers and an old t-shirt and fake colored hair extensions every single day but she was really nice to me, so i liked her. 011229
niki my favorite font...

followed closely by curlz
randomly recent gogo and didi.

what's it to you?
who go