sab if you're on the road, stay on it.

if you're off the road find it

from ask_birdmad
sab That sick feeling in the pit of your stomache that is so inconvenient is actually a valuable guide to what's best for you. 040720
sab from Paste! in the_running_of_the_ghosts

"jsut pretend to be a grasshopper
and throw yourself around"
sab everything changes, and nothing is every lost

xiao hong you will soon join s.w.a.t. 050607
xiao hong you will buy something on sale, soon. 050607
xiao hong if you pray for rain while drinking tea, you will ride the rails of sexcess vehemently. 050607
homer simpson you will be turned on by a shampoo commerical 050607
xiao hong beware, you risk having your garden gnome stolen by lithuanian tourists on beach cruiser bikes. 050607
xiao hong a girl named rebecca while serve you coffee, really good coffee, eventually. 050607
xiao hong you will type while for will. it while happen. 050607
xiao hong you are wise beyond your beers. 050607
sab every moment is vaild for its own sake

mistree in how_are_you_holding_up
what's it to you?
who go