OReilly If any woman ever breathed a word I’ll make her pay so dearly that she’ll wish she’d never been born. I’ll rake her through the mud, bring up things in her life and make her so miserable that she’ll be destroyed. And besides, she wouldn’t be able to afford the lawyers I can or endure it financially as long as I can. And nobody would believe her, it’d be her word against mine and who are they going to believe? Me or some unstable woman making outrageous accusations. They’d see her as some psycho, someone unstable. Besides, I’d never make the mistake of picking unstable crazy girls like. 041025
. loofa_mitt 041025
why not keep_it_tuned? 041025
eliza it's_simply_not_true_that_there_was_'no_contact'
It's simply not true that there was
"no contact" that... 040627
US National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice
* The_'big_lie'_theory *

Rice vigorously reaffirms link between Iraq and al-Qaeda

Sun Jun 27, 1:57 PM ET

"It's simply not true that there was no contact, that there were no relationships between al-Qaeda and Saddam_Hussein," 040627
. falafel 041030
what's it to you?
who go