andru235 but i am also in love with oak, and maple, and cedar;

please, baby, we can make this work!
Where's the Queen of all things deciduous when you need her? 050709
*Amy* do you think I`m in love? do you think I can fall in love? Is this love? I thought I would never fall again, and that monogamia wasn`t for me, I don`t know, maybe he`s the one who will save me....save me?? do I want to be saved? 050709
minnesota_chris it is a lovely coniferous bush.

Once, scientists were trying to develop a new anti-cancer drug. They grew up a whole mess of cancer cells in dishes and went around collecting just any old crap. Leaves, dirt, bugs.

They also grabbed some yew bark. They fought the cancer cells well. The drug Taxol has come from this expirement.
what's it to you?
who go