recovering addict like those dissected lab animals
i feel jarred here
everything in my head
pouring out on these fake pages
perserved by technology
fluid on my brain
heel_turn if this data survives the centuries, our words can be like the heads_in_jars on that Futurama cartoon 010519
Sol "Hey do the" (*startreck finger thing*)
"no i dont do that any more"
yoik my eyes burn from the formaldehyde 010520
yoink my eyes burn from the formaldehyde 010520
yoink dammit... 010520
god sleeping_in_a_jar 010901
distorted tendencies I'm surprised Gollum has not posted here yet. 010902
kingsuperspecial don't talk too loudly about the pickles in there, someone could get their head stuck. 010914
JD I held heads in jars
I held them all night
I held them till I swore they spoke
"Tear down the wall", they said.
I held heads in jars
I held them till I awoke empty-handed.
what's it to you?
who go