jane i will keep his secret about this place. 070624
swim pcs are
CRAP you anorack

wot stupid secret ,
jane here's the secret: you're a piece of shit. 070624
up yours ! you piece of messed up pirate material 070625
jane ooh good one. too bad i like pirates, you floontallo 070628
fuffle oh it's a copy right shhhhhiiit...
what a useless load of stupid law...
people copy things all the time, how are you going to stop them ?

absolutely rediculous

oh its a money thing again is it... shit.
what price would you put on uuurrmmm...
i dunno a Donalello ?

i you copy us then we won't be able to make a big enough profit to be greedy and selfish.
what a joke - who invented these laws ?
ioata i am copied. 070630
fuffle ooohhhh....


copy me coppy me over..
what's it to you?
who go