* The_teaching_of_all_beings *

talking stick when you teach too much, like if you identify with the thought of teaching every last person on earth, there comes a time when you simply need to listen a little and be taught. you can choose your lessons, but remember, you, just like everyone, are not an authority, or an expert, or the one who can find all the answers, no matter how creative you are. there's always something or someone even more creative than you. there's no need to even make a mention, when you are a good learner. all_beings_your_teacher. 040823
why not ? 040823
Sakhalin is Magnifique You can learn all sorts of things on Sakhalin. 060223
nom all teachers your being 060704
unhinged but

your enemy is your best teacher
f teach me ! 060705
what's it to you?
who go