eighteen the forks are the worst.

Knowing there are dirty dishes in the sink gives me an unreasonable sense of dread. The idea of dirty dishes at all. Dirty dishes in Nepal. It hurts.

Once I do dishes, I have to straighten the kitchen and wipe the counters. and once I straighten the kitchen, the bathroom wants to be taken care of, and then the living room needs attention. and then I reach a certain corver of my living room and am crushed with the guilt of NOT playing with my bird during all that time. Cleaning.

And the dishes keep going, and its my own doing.

I omit any paste! (the significant other) involvement because I don't think paste! would like to be veiwed as at all domestic--on blather, anyway.
i hate having OCD 041119
skinny your bird deserves more attention. 041119
pg "no more miracles loaves and fishes ..." 041120
pete lively hood 041121
Syrope oooo a significant other on blather.
you guys knew the risks & did it anyway

? primexes 101215
. primex 101215
what's it to you?
who go