inbreath and out do you own a yella_umbrella?

citrus colors and tastes can be life-giving, as can fire and wind and sand.

fresh-cut grapefruits greet our tired morning mouths. the citric acid reminds me of the labor of my hands. tiny cracks. SHARP.

barbed wire and wood. tools and hardware. adhesives and electrons.

but how cool is this wedge of orange on my lips.
farmfish it is bein' very cool. 020909
sour lemon acid ruins your teeth 020909
goose berry but oranges make you happy... ans someone said somewhere else: you should be happy like a tangerine 020909
jane casey's nails were orange today. i think she's the only one who can nonchalantly pull off orange nail polish. 020909
girl_jane yum 020913
inbreath and out abbey_road_studios (smile, double smile)

what other insights and adventures befell you as spread orange_words_in_a_land_of_fog
what's it to you?
who go