nom sorry feet 051003
nom sorry feet 051003
epitome of incomprehensibility From walking about 5 hours today. "That would explain it" - Mom on the phone. But it wouldn't be an unusual day, say, at the summer camp. Blame the thin shoes or the inexorable march of time (in thin shoes).

Eh, the soreness isn't too bad and resting is a welcome relief. I also saw interesting shops in Windsor today, but the physical exercise seems to have wearied my descriptive capacities. "Bedways is rightways now," as an imaginary terrible person said. A stopped day is right twice a clockwork orange, or something. Ineluctable modality of the visible means never having to say you're sorry. I'm sorry. Sore-footedly.
e_o_i ...I didn't see what nom wrote years ago and I'm smiling in delight right now. 220823
nr i don't know what they need from me these days, so i booked an appointment with someone who i hope will understand them better than i do (a foot therapist?). 220823
kerry nr, have you ever had an acupressure foot massage? it is the most glorious, therapeutic thing and i keep meaning to schedule one for myself. could be a nice supplement to your adventure to the podiatrist.

i went to a podiatrist in i think college once, when i had some weird shit on my toenails (gross i know) and soreness in the big toe of the other foot. he was unfriendly and had hair like a brillo pad. he told me i had fungus in the big toenail and had to anesthetize it with a giant needle to cut the nail out. the other big toenail was ingrown, i just didn't know what that looked like. so he cut that out too. it was hard to walk for the rest of the day.

now i am very weird about my feet. i dislike them but i also try to take good care of them because they're ornery. the acupressure helps.
e_o_i I always think my feet are ugly! Maybe "ugly" is too strong a word; I don't feel particularly bad about them being funny-looking.

There we go. Funny-looking. The toes seem too long, the big toes too big and tufted in the middle with incongruous hairs. The little end toes, by nature or too-tight shoes in the past, are twisted sideways, resulting in ridiculously abbreviated nails.

But I find feet goofy-looking in general and I'm lucky mine work pretty well. So yes, I hope people can find their footing more painlessly.
nr kerry, i've never had an acupressure foot massage, but i will take note of this! i'm sorry your podiatrist visit wasn't great and that your feet are ornery (good word). i'm sure they have their charm. feet are neat.

i'm hoping the podiatrist can just let me know what my arches are like or what kind of shoes i might wear so my feet won't hurt after i walk, even around my apartment. maybe i'll have to stop going barefoot around my place? the horror!
tender_square nr, plantar_fasciitis insoles have done wonders for me. i have a couple cheap interchangeable ones that i put in all my shoes--i'm talking clogs, i'm talking sneakers, i'm talking wedges, i'm talking booties (and i even have special ones for flats). i notice that i can't walk barefoot for long anymore either, my feet start to hurt too. and so i've taken to wearing hard-sole slippers around the house to stop the pain. both of those slight changes have really helped and i've been walking at least 5 miles per day consistently for the past three months without incident. 220824
what's it to you?
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