tender_square the invisible clout nail
has taken up residence
in my left heel; i shift

my weight right to reduce
the pressure that comes
with standing still.

a radial heat burns
nerve fiber and my calf
muscle splits, quartered

into an axis of ache. i carry
on in my hobbled steadiness;
at least in dreams my feet

twitch with the memory
of running fast and free, like
the bitch i’ve always been.
tender_square mornings are worse;
heel bulbous and pounding
with first steps. a psychic
wound i cannot shake.

i have ceased downward
dog, willing my body
to release, but perhaps
i’m not letting enough in.
tender_square insoles, stair-step stretches,
tension bands, and some
kind of brace that looks

like a medieval torture
device to wear to bed.
i roll the underside of my

swollen foot on a frozen
water bottle, forget how
i used to walk before.
what's it to you?
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