stork daddy blaring loud. the type where when you're driving you could run over a person and not stop and think you'd get away with it. 050907
z rock_and_roll_music has become almost irrelevant. the net and downloads continue to fragment taste and provide exposure so that eclecticism is the norm. the random mode on an ipod (or other non-linear device) has enabled a new post modernism which often creates juxtapositions ranging from sublime to perverse. the cross fade delivers a seamless blending of the most unlikely aesthetic brethren. as a consequence, artists are able to blend influence, genre, tradition and innovation like no time in history. the music business is over, long live the music. 050908
stork daddy rock and roll as a monolith certainly no longer holds, but the music itself is still a necessary paradigm to subvert by juxtaposition and deconstruction. rock on! 050908
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